Senuseret I

Horus Name [3]

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Two Ladies Name [3]

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Golden Horus Name [3]

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Coronation Name (prenomen) [2]

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Birth Name (nomen) [1]

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Pyramid Name [2]

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Bibliographical resources:

  • [BMMA]
    VV.AA. (1906 and foll.). Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York.
  • [LD]
    Lepsius, C.R. (1849-59). Denkmäler aus Aegypten und Aethiopien (12 vol.). Berlin.
  • [RdE]
    VV.AA. (1933 and foll.). Revue d'Egyptologie. Paris.
  • [v.Beckerath]
    Von Beckerath, J. (1999). Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen.


  • [Ab.]
    Abydos Canon.
  • [Crocodipolis obelisk]
    Crocodipolis obelisk.
  • [Heliopolis obelisk]
    Heliopolis obelisk.
  • [Sa.]
    Saqqarah Canon.
  • [Tu.]
    Turin King List.


  • [MMC]
    Marc Mateos Comaposada.