
Bibliographical resources

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Abydos III
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Scepter of Egypt
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Cat. Moscow
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Neit et Apouit
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Mariette, Mast.
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Cat. Vaticano
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Guide Caire 1914
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Bucheum III
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Lac Sacré
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Murray, Osireion
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Cat. Schimmel Coll.
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Saft el Henneh
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Festival Hall
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XIth Dyn. Temple
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Digital resources

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Abydos Canon.
Karnak Canon.
Saqqarah Canon.
Turin King List.
Palermo Stone.
Umm el Qaab Seals.
Deir el Medina.
Giza Necropolis.
Cairo Museum.
National Museum of Egyptian Civilization.
Kings Valley.
Queens Valley.
Theban Tomb.
Karnak temple.
Medinet Habu
Medinet Habu temple.
Denderah temple.
Heliopolis obelisk
Heliopolis obelisk.
Crocodipolis obelisk
Crocodipolis obelisk.
Lateran obelisk
Lateran obelisk.
London obelisk
London obelisk.
Istanbul obelisk
Theodosius Istanbul obelisk.
New York obelisk
New York obelisk.
Marseille Stela.
Papyrus Berlin.
Papyrus Leiden.
Papyrus Anastasi.
Papyrus Bologna.
Papyrus Harris.
Papyrus Wilbour.
Papyrus Louvre.
Papyrus Turin.
Papyrus Abbott.
Papyrus Léopold.
Papyrus Ebers.
British Museum ostracon.