Some doubts

During the process of making the Medu Netcher catalogue (and since we are not specialists in epigraphy or hieroglyphic texts) we found several things in the vast ocean of information (sometimes contradictory) that led us to doubtful or unclear decisions.

This is why we ask for your help, in case you have any specific information about the questions listed below. It would be of great help to us, because in this way we could provide a better and more precise resource to the audience who may be interested in this project.

In case you have the answer to any of these questions, we encourage you to send us an email with references, documentation etc. to help us and we will gladly add them to our work, with due mention.

We know that some of the questions may not have an answer at this time, but we still want to make any confusions clear and explicit.

Thank you very much!