
Horus Name [2]

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Two Ladies Name [1]

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Golden Horus Name [1]

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Coronation Name (prenomen) [3]

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Birth Name (nomen) [7]

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Great Priest of Amun Name [1]

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Bibliographical resources:

  • [ASAE]
    VV.AA. (1900 and foll.). Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte. Cairo.
  • [Cat. Torino]
    Fabretti, A. / Rossi, F. / Lanzone, R.V. (1882). Regio Museo di Torino. Antichità Egizie. Torino.
  • [Exc. Med. Habu]
    Hölscher, U. (1934-1954). The Excavation of Medinet Habu (5 vol.) (OIP 21, 41, 54, 55, 66). Chicago.
  • [JEA]
    VV.AA. (1914 and foll.). The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. London.
  • [Saulcy]
    Saulcy, F. (1864). Mémoires de l'Académie nationale de Metz.
  • [Urk IV]
    Sethe, K. / Heick, W. (1907 (Berlin, 1955-61)). Urkunden der 18. Dynastie. Leipzig.
  • [v.Beckerath]
    Von Beckerath, J. (1999). Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen.


  • [Ab.]
    Abydos Canon.
  • [Karnak]
    Karnak temple.
  • [Sa.]
    Saqqarah Canon.


  • [MMC]
    Marc Mateos Comaposada.